Just thought I would show off.
'Gor' (to quote Miggery Sow) raw you says, how's that then?
Check out Café Gratitude's book Sweet Gratitude for this confection.
No other reason for this part of the post - just showin' off!
And now for something completely different... nope, not a man with a stoat through his head, but this - 'get your wisdom on'.

Philosopher's Notes
Concentrated Wisdom for Your Hero's Journey
For those of you who have managed so far without the aid of Brian Johnson's expertise, then it's time to stop struggling.
Brian's website gives you the 'Cliff Notes' on all those 'improving' books you keep meaning to read by such authors as Byron Katie, Ken Wilber, Paulo Coehlo, Joseph Campbell and Wallace Wattle. Titles include Rumi Daylight, The Science of Being Great, Ask and It Is Given, Loving What Is, Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, The Power of Now and Spiritual Economics. Over 50 titles as a downloadable pdf and mp3.
Each Philosopher's Notes runs about 6 pages, the whole book is reduced to nuggets of wisdom. The bones. And I have no idea how Brian manages to capture, in these short essays, the essence of each literary work. He is a talented artist.
Brian offers this extraordinary service for free - there is the option to upgrade and for a nominal $20, however its not a hard sell and you'll get all you need by just subscribing gratis. I personally think supporting him financially would be a service to mankind but, hey - what do I know? I write a Blog in my spare time...