When I first began to work with Nature Intelligences and Plant Spirit Essences (PSE), I thought I was to formulate a remedy line similar to Edward Bach or Machaelle Small Wright (see Perelandra) and build a small healing business of my own. But I was hesitant, despite the urgings of friends who were using my essences. The idea just didn't feel right and oh, the work... on-line store, advertising, mail order...nope, not for me. And besides, I knew somewhere deep inside that this was not what I had been given the essences for, not why Nature wanted to talk to me specifically. So I waited.
I continued to work with the PSE on my own, experientially, then offering them to friends and close colleagues, all the while remaining open to how I was to use them in service of my fellow man, and what the larger plan was. This year it came to me that my work with dowsing and personalized formulas was where I was to make my mark, as it were; tailoring PSE formulas to meet the specific needs of those who were interested in using vibrational medicine to support their Life's Journey and Spiritual Growth.
So I breathed a knowing sigh of relief and began to look at ways to market this aspect. The Universe, of course, has a way of making things happen when you finally wake up and smell the coffee, so with little effort I came up with the blog spot idea and with relative ease, the words keep falling out onto the page.