Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Spectrum of Healing Vibration

I did some channeling recently to improve my knowledge on the long term use of a PSE and how prolonged use can continue to give us healing and expansion, even after what we originally took it for has eased. Also, I wanted to know why I have never understood any of the PSE vibrations to be fixed but rather a continuum, or something similar. What I received feels like useful information to pass on...

It appears that the healing vibration of a Plant Spirit Essence is a range of frequencies, not a single one. It could be compared to that of the Electromagnetic Spectrum; a broad range of frequencies spanning less than 3x10 to the power of 9 (3 billion) through Visible Light to greater than 3x10 to the power of 14 (300 thousand billion).

Visible Light equates to where we meet the PSE, what we receive when we take it initially, what we can 'see' of the healing vibration. As we continue to take the essence, as we heal and as our personal vibration and frequency are raised we are able to integrate more of the frequency range, more of the total vibration. This could be equated with gradually developing an ability to see Radio waves or Ultraviolet, Gamma or X-rays.

This would suggest then, that the most benefit can be derived from continuing with an essence long after we think we 'need' it, way past the point where the depression has eased or we have regained our focus. That in fact we have only just touched upon the healing available to us within our formula or essence when we have achieved what we originally took it for.

The frequency range might also explain why individual experience of the same essence can differ so widely. (Visible Light is also a spectrum so the analogy is interesting when we think in terms of individual responses to the same essence.) It may also have something to do with our unique personal vibration, or where we are on our healing journey; what we are capable of receiving and what we are not yet ready to 'see'.