A Traveler I Am was a foray into the same territory however it fell onto my work bench in hours. The green background is the colour of a dress I wore in an insightful dream, the objects were all collected, mostly over the past year, but some from several years ago (the snail shells). Together they give a glimpse of my undeniable urge to know my Soul and an apsect of my Soul showing itself to me. I was delighted by the way the clock face held the (real) butterfly wings in place and how they still seemed to have life and flight as they curl up from the page.
This piece also illuminated my creative process and how I tend to have a set look in mind and often what I build falls short... I am working to let the pieces build themselves and inform me of my inner landscape as I let them unfold but it is not easy or comfortable. And I have found that this process of letting go and allowing the art to form before my eyes is shaking loose some powerful and tenacious constructs I have about how life should look and behave.
As Tagore said, 'Evidently the only way to find the path is to set fire to my own life.'